Dallas Personal injury lawyer

Have you been injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence? Call an experienced Dallas personal injury lawyer at Anderson Injury Lawyers at (214) 327-8000. You may be entitled to compensation.

We’ve recovered hundreds of millions for our injured clients in Texas. Let us help you get the compensation you need and deserve.

Contact our Dallas law firm today for a free consultation. We work on contingency; you pay nothing in attorney’s fees unless we win.

Why Should I Hire Anderson Injury Lawyers To Handle My Personal Injury Case in Dallas, TX?

There are a number of reasons why you should hire our team to help with your case. Here are just a few:

  • Level the playing field. Most defendants will have liability insurance. There’s a strong chance you’ll be dealing with their insurance company during your case. These companies have incredible resources and are adept at minimizing their customers’ claims. Fortunately, our experienced personal injury attorneys know how these companies operate, and we won’t let them take advantage of you.
  • Experts. We have access to experts that could make the difference in maximizing your financial award. When a case reaches trial, expert witnesses play a critical role in influencing the jury. Expert analysis can also help your case even if it doesn’t make it to trial.
  • You’ll be blamed. In almost every situation, the other side won’t admit fault and instead will try to pin the blame on you. If the other side successfully blames you, your financial award could be reduced if you receive one at all. Instead, let our lawyers craft arguments on your behalf to combat accusations of blame.
  • You need time to rest. You’re probably dealing with a lot. Let us take care of the legal side of things so that you can take the time you need to feel better. Our team is highly experienced and knows how to fight to get you full compensation.

Contact Anderson Injury Lawyers in Dallas, Texas today to get started. We offer a free consultation.

Why Should I Hire a Dallas Personal Injury Lawyer?

Dallas personal injury attorney

The aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming. Insurance companies will use their vast resources to fight your claim. Without a personal injury lawyer, you are vulnerable to getting less compensation than you should.

Our attorneys will investigate your accident to gather proof, including medical records, business records, video/surveillance footage, witness testimony, and other evidence.

The stronger the evidence, the stronger your chances of receiving full damages for your injuries. That’s why we will consult with leading experts, if necessary, to strengthen your case.

We will also record and calculate all your damages, so you demand money for every loss. Contact us to schedule a consultation to learn more about the benefits of hiring us.

Do I Have a Personal Injury Case?

personal injury attorneys Dallas

If you’ve been hurt due to someone else’s negligence, there’s at least a possibility you have a case. Texas law allows injured victims to pursue claims against individual persons, businesses, and even the government in certain circumstances. You can pursue compensation whether the at-fault party acted carelessly, recklessly, or intentionally.

Consider the following scenarios that likely give rise to a case:

  • A person slips and falls at a retail store, injuring themselves due to a dangerous condition on the premises.
  • During an altercation, a person is assaulted and suffers injuries.
  • A doctor fails to correctly diagnose a patient’s condition, leading to further health consequences.
  • After running a red light, a motorist crashes into another person’s vehicle and injures them.
  • A person becomes ill after using a defective medication.

We offer a free, no-risk consultation. We can look into your situation and let you know whether you have a case at that time.

How Much Is My Dallas Personal Injury Claim Worth?

How Much Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

If you are wondering about the value of your claim, it’s best to speak to an experienced attorney for an accurate estimate. Your claim’s worth will be based on your unique circumstances. A legal professional cannot adequately predict your claim’s worth without evaluating the facts. 

The value of a claim typically depends on the following factors, just to name a few examples: 

  • Available insurance
  • Whether you share fault for your accident
  • The cost of your medical bills (past and future)
  • Your lost wages 
  • Whether your earning capacity has been diminished
  • The pain and suffering your accident has caused
  • The strength of your evidence

Our experienced lawyers can help you get a sense of your claim’s value during a free consultation.

Visit Our Law Offices in Dallas, TX

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Personal Injury Attorney After an Accident?

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney After an Accident?

Most Dallas personal injury lawyers do not charge hourly rates or fixed fees. Instead, our attorneys work on contingency. This means that we don’t charge any fees up-front. Instead, we only charge if we win money for you.

If your attorney fails to recover a settlement or verdict for you, you will not owe them any attorney’s fees. If your lawyer does recover damages, they will take a pre-agreed-upon percentage of your award as compensation for their services.

This fee can range from 33% to 40%. Contact us if you have any questions about the contingency fee arrangement.

We Handle All Types of Personal Injury Cases in Dallas, TX

Below are just a few practice areas we have significant experience with.

Car Accidents

Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents can vary widely in terms of severity. But no matter how serious, our Dallas car accident lawyer will fight to get you the fair compensation you deserve. We know how to negotiate with insurance companies, and we’ll make sure you’re offered a fair settlement. If not, we are not afraid to take your case to court. Call us today to discuss to find out how much your car wreck case is worth.

Truck Accidents

Truck Accident attorney

Considering the sheer size of these commercial vehicles, it’s no surprise that truck accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries and damage. The stakes are high in these cases, and there are often multiple corporations to deal with. Our law firm has handled numerous high-value big-rig vehicle collision cases, and we can do the same for you. Reach out to our Dallas truck accident lawyer today.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accident lawyer - Law Firm

Motorcycles are about as fun to ride as they are dangerous. You’re exposed to the elements on a motorcycle, such as careless drivers. Don’t deal with the aftermath of a crash on your own. Instead, let our law firm take care of the legal side of things. Our Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer offers a free evaluation to get going with your case.

Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Our city is fairly bicycle-friendly. However, with all the congestion and traffic in the DFW metroplex, accidents still happen – especially when motor vehicle drivers fail to share the road. If you were in a bike accident, the at-fault driver may be liable for your accident-related losses. A bicycle accident lawyer at our firm can help you.

Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death Lawyer

Some accidents have fatal consequences for those involved. If you’ve lost a loved one, your family could receive compensation through a wrongful death case. 

While this money won’t bring your loved one back, it will help you achieve justice and financial security. Our wrongful death attorneys can help.

Workplace Injuries

Workplace Injuries lawyer

If you were injured on the job, you could get workers’ comp benefits to cover the medical bills you are unable to pay and a portion of your lost income. However, depending on the circumstances, you could also be entitled to a third-party claim for additional damages or even a claim against your employer if they don’t carry workers’ comp insurance. We will explore your rights and options.

Speak to a workplace injury attorney to know more.

Premises Liability

slip and fall attorney

Property owners have a duty to keep their premises reasonably safe for guests. Often, this means inspecting their property for hidden dangers and fixing or warning of those dangers. It can also mean providing security and taking other measures to protect visitors. 

If you were injured at another party’s property, you may be entitled to compensation for damages from the property owner. Choose our lawyers to help you identify avenues for recovery.

Our dedicated team also represents personal injury victims throughout Texas who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injuries, oilfield accidents, work injuries, or been hurt due to dog bites, medical malpractice or maritime accidents. Call us today to learn more about how we can assist with your case and legal representation.

How Long Do I Have To File a Personal Injury Lawsuit After an Accident in Texas?

How Long Do I Have To File a Personal Injury Lawsuit After an Accident in Texas?

In Texas, the statute of limitations is generally two years after the accident or injury date. 

There may be exceptions to these deadlines, such as if the victim is a child or the at-fault party is a government entity. 

If you miss the deadline that applies to your case, you will forfeit your right to hold the at-fault party liable. Therefore, it’s best to reach out to one of our attorneys to solve all of your questions, discuss your potential case, and preserve your legal right to compensation.

What If I’m Partially At Fault For My Accident?

If you are partially at fault, don’t worry; you can still get compensation. Texas uses modified comparative fault rules to divide liability for accidents in which there are multiple at-fault parties.

If you share partial blame, your damages will be reduced to account for your percentage of fault. However, if you are found mostly at fault — 51% or more — then you will be barred from recovering compensation. For example, if you share 50% of the liability, you will be able to recover 50% of your damages. But if you are 51% at fault, you will not be able to recover any compensation.

You should never accept or admit fault for an accident until you’ve spoken to us. Our experienced legal team can help you determine whether you actually bear liability for the accident (and how much). They can also work to minimize the percentage of fault apportioned to you so you get as much money as possible.

When Should I Call a Personal Injury Attorney?

When Should I Call a Personal Injury Lawyer?

You should get in touch with an attorney as soon as possible after your accident. In fact, this should be your first call after you receive medical attention.

Our team will help protect your rights and give you correct advice on how best to proceed. We can instruct you on what evidence to preserve for your claim and what to say (and not to say) to the other parties involved in the accident, including insurers.

Your legal team will also help you explore all of your options for getting compensation. You may have more than one avenue for recovering damages, or there may be more than one liable party.

We will also make sure you file your case in a timely manner – avoiding issues with the statute of limitations.

What Damages Are Available to Accident Victims?

personal injury attorney

If you’ve been injured due to another party’s actions or omissions, you could get compensation to cover your economic and non-economic losses

Your economic damages cover the financial costs associated with your accident, including: 

Your non-economic damages cover your personal losses that are more difficult to value, such as: 

On rare occasions, you may also be entitled to punitive damages. If the defendant acted with gross negligence or malice, the court may award these damages to punish them. Nonetheless, you will still receive these damages if they are awarded.

Common Types of Personal Injuries

The most common injuries include:

Every day, innocent people are harmed by someone else’s negligence. If you’ve suffered one or more of these injuries, reach out to our attorneys to get a free case evaluation. 

Will My Case Go to Trial?

Will My Personal Injury Case Go to Trial?

Most cases settle without the need for trial. In fact, around 95% of cases end in settlement. Insurance companies and injured victims prefer to avoid the cost, stress, and unpredictability of trial whenever possible.

However, there are a few instances where you might need to initiate a lawsuit to recover damages, including: 

  • If the insurer offers you a settlement that doesn’t fully account for your damages
  • If the insurer denies your claim

In these cases, the only way to get full compensation would be to sue the insurance company. However, you can still settle your case before trial.

What Should I Do After an Accident?

Attorney Mark Anderson

There are certain steps you should take to protect your health and any possible personal injury claims you may have. 

At a minimum, you should do the following:

  • Call 911. Texas law requires you to call 911 to report your car accident if it involves death, injury, or significant property damage. Calling 911 is helpful because dispatchers will send law enforcement to the scene to analyze the crash and create an accident report. That report will be helpful for your claim. Dispatchers can also send emergency medical services to the scene if necessary.
  • Exchange information. You should exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved in the crash. You will need this information to file an insurance claim against the at-fault driver. You should also get contact info for any witnesses.
  • Take pictures and videos. If the scene is safe, you should take pictures and videos of the crash and your injuries as evidence for your claim.
  • Seek immediate medical care. You should seek immediate medical help after the crash, either by visiting the hospital in an ambulance or by following up with your medical provider. Seeking prompt medical care ensures you get treatment for all your injuries — including those that may not present symptoms right away. It will also protect you from accusations that you failed to mitigate your damages after the crash.

You should also reach out to our attorneys. Our team can help you evaluate your legal options to achieve the best possible outcome.

Anderson Injury Lawyers Law Office, 408 W Eighth St #202, Dallas, TX 75208, (214) 327-8000

Have you been injured in an avoidable accident due to negligent or intentional actions? You don’t have to take on your legal fight alone.

Attorney Mark Anderson and his team can help. We have experience helping victims so they can get back on their feet after they’ve sustained a serious injury.

Contact us now to meet with a compassionate personal injury attorney who is ready to fight for you. Remember, with our contingency fee system, you pay no attorney’s fees unless we win a monetary award for you.

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