Visiting the Fort Worth Zoo can be a fun experience for all ages. However, accidents can happen, and injuries sustained at the zoo can turn that fun experience into a stressful ordeal. If you or a loved one has been injured at the Fort Worth Zoo, you should know the steps to take to protect your right to potential compensation. 

A Fort Worth personal injury attorney can guide you through recovering from your injuries and holding responsible parties accountable after a Fort Worth Zoo injury.

Common Types of Injuries at the Fort Worth Zoo

The Fort Worth Zoo may be a place of education and entertainment, but accidents can still occur. Understanding common injuries that can happen may help you recognize potential hazards. 

Some of the most frequent injuries sustained include:

  • Slip and fall accidents: Wet or uneven surfaces, spilled food or drinks, and debris can create hazardous conditions that cause slip and falls.
  • Animal-related injuries: Animals can bite, scratch, or cause other injuries. Despite safety measures, any visitor interactions with animals may result in injuries.
  • Overcrowding incidents: Overcrowding on busy days may lead to visitors being pushed or trampled, resulting in injuries. It can also make navigating safely through the zoo difficult, increasing the risk of falls or collisions.
  • Inadequate maintenance or safety measures: Injuries may occur if zoo facilities are not properly maintained or safety measures are insufficient. This can include broken railings, malfunctioning rides, or inadequate signage warning of potential hazards.
  • Children’s playground and splash injuries: Play areas can be a source of injury if equipment is not properly maintained or supervised. Common injuries include falls from playground equipment, cuts, and bruises.

If you or a loved one were injured at the Fort Worth Zoo, speak with a Fort Worth personal injury lawyer. We can evaluate your case and advise you of your rights, regardless of how your injury occurred.

Steps to Take After Being Injured at the Fort Worth Zoo

An injury at the Fort Worth Zoo is often an upsetting experience. Knowing the steps to take immediately after you or a loved one are injured can help protect your health and legal rights. 

If you are injured during your visit, be sure to:

  • Report the incident: Notify Fort Worth Zoo staff about your accident and injury. Ask them to complete an incident report and get a copy for your records.
  • Document the scene: Take photographs of where you were injured at the Fort Worth Zoo, including any hazards or conditions that may be responsible. Take photos of your injuries as well.
  • Get witness information: Gather contact information for witnesses who can explain what happened and where, when, and how your injury occurred.
  • Seek medical attention: Your health is the top priority. Seek immediate medical attention for any injuries, minor or severe. Medical professionals can evaluate you for hidden injuries that may take days to show symptoms.
  • Keep records: Access records of medical treatment and expenses related to your injury at the Fort Worth Zoo. Keep copies in a secure spot to help prove your damages if someone else may be responsible.
  • Avoid making statements: Be cautious about discussing your injury with anyone other than a Fort Worth personal lawyer. This includes your friends, family, and coworkers. Any statements you make may be used against you to deny potential compensation.

An experienced attorney can advise you on other steps after your injury that may help protect your right to potential compensation.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help After an Accident at Fort Worth Zoo

Fort Worth personal injury lawyers play an important role in helping victims of zoo injuries navigate their recovery. 

If you were injured at the Fort Worth Zoo, an attorney can help with:

Schedule a free consultation to learn how a Fort Worth personal injury lawyer can help you or a loved one on the path to recovery.

Injured at Fort Worth Zoo? Contact a Fort Worth Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has been injured at the Fort Worth Zoo, protect your health and legal rights. An experienced Fort Worth personal injury lawyer can evaluate your case and help you pursue potential compensation.

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Fort Worth or Dallas and need legal help, contact our personal injury lawyers at Anderson Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation. We proudly serve Tarrant County, Dallas County, and throughout Texas.

Anderson Injury Lawyers – Fort Worth Office
1310 W El Paso St, Fort Worth, TX 76102
(817) 294-1900

Anderson Injury Lawyers – Fort Worth Office (Secondary)
6618 Fossil Bluff Dr # 108, Fort Worth, TX 76137
(817) 631-4113

Anderson Injury Lawyers – Dallas Office
408 W Eighth St Suite 202, Dallas, TX 75208
(214) 327-8000

Anderson Injury Lawyers – Dallas Office (Secondary)
6301 Gaston Ave suite 610, Dallas, TX 75214
(469) 457-4711