Can a Concussion Cause Permanent Brain Injury?

Concussions are a type of brain injury that can occur due to a forceful blow to the head, a sudden jolt or impact, or any other kind of head trauma.  While many people may believe that concussions are minor injuries that can quickly resolve on… read more


Delayed Concussion Symptoms

Concussion symptoms result from changes in the brain after a mild traumatic brain injury. Although every concussion progresses differently, you will often have symptoms that appear or disappear for several hours or days after your original accident. As a result, your doctor might need to… read more


What Is CTE?

CTE is a brain disease that develops after ongoing head trauma. The condition was only identified about two decades ago, which means that scientists still have a long way to go in fully understanding why CTE develops and what can be done to cure the… read more


Magic Mushrooms Cure Brain Damage Says New Study

Although the news that Colorado intends to spend $10 million researching the medicinal benefits of marijuana dominated headlines recently, another study published its findings on the health benefits of another narcotic: shrooms. Researchers at the University of South Florida have discovered that low doses of… read more